“David hurls a stone from his sling and hits Goliath in the center of his forehead, Goliath falls on his face to the ground.”

Everyone knows the Story of David vs Goliath how the huge underdog through defeated the massive giant in Goliath.

Authors, Trainers, and Coaches have used this story as a source of motivation as an example of how the little guy can overcome.  The Tortoise and the Hare is another parable that proves a similar point in that those that move forward CONSTANTLY end up being ahead in the long run.

Having recently read ‘The 1% Rule’ by Tommy Baker both of these parables are defined in modern terms with modern text.  If you have not read The 1% Rule, I suggest you put it on your amazon list and order it today.

Baker talks about ‘falling in love with the process’ and learning to grow each day.  Growing just a little each day, 1%, can have massive impact over a year you will have increased 37 TIMES your original self.  With compounding interest each day building on the last if you just strive for 1% growth the end result will have massive impact.

How to grow?

“If you don’t fill your day with high-priority items, others will fill your day with low-priority items.” – 1% Rule

This is imperative in growing a little each day.  You have to MAKE time to work on high-priority items, this could be researching new methods for business growth as opposed to ordering paper for the printer.  Yes, you need to paper to run your business, but having someone else that you can trust do these daily activities allow you to work on the yearly activities.  Yearly activities are the what you can do to increase the overall growth.

I remember when I first started out in real estate and there was this agent that did a TON of business, 100+ transactions a year, his business was 10 TIMES what mine was at that time.  I would look at that agent and their business and he was the ‘Hare’.

His business was built on a shaky foundation, meaning his business was a result of an ad that promoted a guarantee sale program.  This is what I define as ‘Bait ‘n Switch’ program.  It gets the phone ringing and can generate a lot of business in a short amount of time because people ‘fall’ for the program.

However, what he lacked was a system/strategy from converting these customers from a one-time sale into an ongoing relationship and a lifetime flow of business.

To me, at that time, he was a Goliath in real estate.

However, without the relationships his real estate business decreased because chasing each sale, after sale, after sale is a tiring process and wears on you.  His business, has been in a steady decline since its height.

All the meanwhile, I focused on the 10-year plan.  I knew that if I could build a solid foundation built on relationships – ALWAYS – focusing on those that trusted me, that over a period of time that business would naturally grow.  Planting seeds for future growth.  You have to water, care for that seed.  You’ve got to weed so that seed doesn’t get strangled by that weed, then over time that seed turns into a beautiful flower.

Through Consistent, Compelling, Communication first in the form of my newsletter that is delivered each month, then since 2016 the daily conversation known as Morning Musings, those relationships have grown to the point that my business has surpassed the ‘Goliath’ and continues to maintain growth because I love the process of focusing on ‘high-priority’ activities.

My daily, weekly, monthly Stories are written to ‘move the needle’ for 1% each day.

Once you can connect with your audience, then you can inspire!

What are you doing today to make yourself 1% better?  Tomorrow?  Next day?  Next Month?

This is how you, David, can beat the massive Goliath by improving each day, by doing the little things that add up, over time to achieve incredible impact.


Eric Verdi