Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do real estate agents work for commission?
Wouldn’t my life be easier if I could just charge a fee?”

Every real estate agent I know has had this thought from time to time. Times get tough, and the market is not
always on our side. But if you’re inclined to answer “Yes” to more than “No”, then this letter is probably not for you.

This is “small ball” thinking and prevents you from achieving your goals.
But if you want to want a business that work for both you AND for you clients, then keep reading.

I’m not a fan of small thinking. And I certainly didn’t get into the real estate business to strike it rich. Neither have any of the best agents I’ve met. That’s why I decided a long time ago that I would abandon the class of small thinkers,
“ambitious,” and borderline incompetent agents who only look out for #1 (themselves).

The way to grow as an agent in any market, up or down, is to surround yourself with the kind of people
who share your vision and want to propel you forward in that direction.
And yes, you do need to actually believe everything I just said. No pretenders allowed.



The Psychological Approach to Sell Real Estate introduces Seven Strategies to Sell Your Home for an Additional $30,000 by Marketing like the Innovator Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs created a culture of innovation and success during his time at Apple. Jobs knew from the company’s early days that Apple’s long-term success would hinge on the ability to create an emotional attachment between customers and company. So he took to studying human psychology and why consumers ultimately choose one product over another. What he discovered changed the way businesses market to their customers. Steve Jobs used human psychology, not fancy marketing or promotion, to sell tens of millions of iPhones, iPods, and iPads! And he did it all at premium prices. What if his secret could be applied to selling real estate?